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Paul Lawrence

Intuition and Healing

Updated: Jan 9

“We die to remember

and we are born to forget,

because we cannot heal

when we remember.”

Intuition is the universal consciousness. The Matrix… A very good movie, by the way. Watch it if you haven’t already, it contains strong spiritual undertones which form the basis of the concepts portrayed in the movie.

What is the Universal Consciousness?

The universal consciousness! Now, what exactly is that?

Several names have been given to the universal consciousness. Some call it ‘the oneness,’ others refer to it as ‘the middle world,’ ‘the matrix,’ ‘the web of all things,’ or the Akashic Records.

Science knows it’s there. In physics, the ‘Unified Field’ refers to the universal consciousness. Scientists such as Ervin Laszlo talk about the ‘Cosmic Memory Field.’

To put it simply, the universal consciousness is everything that exists in the cycle of time. To understand this, you have to discard the conventional view of time. Past, present, and future exist only as illusions. All you have to work with is now. All there ever is, is NOW.

Every thought, emotion, idea, creation, invention, act, deed, everything…and I mean everything, is what makes up the universal consciousness.

And everything still exists, there in its allotted time and space…it’s not gone. It's accessible to everyone if you know how to access it.

One way is to die. At the moment of death, your energy speeds up and you achieve the speed of light. Beyond that, you're no longer bound by the space or time continuum, and you ‘travel’ by means of spiritual thought and emotion.

The speed of thought, if you like. Scientists haven’t come up with that one yet. The brain is the most amazing machine. It’s the physical manifestation of the universal consciousness.

OK, but none of us wants to die yet; hopefully not, anyway. So how do we access the universal consciousness?

Well, it’s easy: through your intuition.

This is the simplest way, but there are other ways. Meditation, going within, shamanic journeying. Actually, a combination is probably what will work the best.

The more you quieten the physical, your earthly mind, and emotions, the deeper you can go into the universal consciousness.


Don’t stress, we'll deal with these concepts in future articles. All you have to understand is that intuition is about accessing the universal consciousness: all that is.

Because…if you can access the universal consciousness, you can change the past, present, and future.

Intuition With Integrity

Now there are numerous ‘healers’ out there who claim to be able to heal emotional and spiritual wounds and traumas.

There are fortune tellers, psychics, mediums, shamans, energy healers, Angel healers... the list goes on.

Some are good at telling you about your past, some are good at predicting your future, and others can tell you what your guides or ancestors are asking of you.

That’s fine. If it heals it heals; for a time anyway, until the next crisis.

Being Freed

However, many forms of so-called ‘esoteric’ or spiritual healing, especially those based on the Western concept of linear time and the universal human concept of an external cause, don't bring about full healing.

You see, they don't free you. They bind you, making you a slave to your fears, your external environment, to the past, and to the future.

All types of healers do this. Many shamans, traditional and modern, don’t free you from the chains that bind you; the chains that you put around yourself. The concepts of external cause and linear time are prisons.

Many people are traumatized after seeing a healer who tells them that the future holds bad luck for them, or that they'll win the lottery (and then they don’t).

Healers often dis-empower the individual by presenting them with circumstances that are unchangeable.

They're then given certain 'mystic' tools and methods, that they're not empowered to understand, to prevent misfortune or suffering that focuses on the external situation: a band-aid over a rotting wound.

In my personal experience, modern psychology tends to not be very empowering. You're required to talk…and talk, and talk until you get tired of talking.

Some feedback and advice are normally given, but very often, you're not able to achieve a deeper understanding of the situation, and the practical tools for helping yourself aren't provided.

Eventually, it’s easier to just settle for the medication. The problem is that the responsibility to heal is seldom put into the hands of the individual.

True shamanic thinking doesn't disempower the individual. It frees them. It puts the power in your hands. The power to change your future AND your past.

True Intuition

Genuine shamanic thinking uses intuition to identify the choices and possibilities that are available. It acknowledges that there are millions of possibilities and each one of them could come about.

It leads you to discover the place of harmony in your soul, the place that will match what you want and therefore bring about change. It empowers you to make the choice.

If the choice is made for you, you become a prisoner and no growth happens.

A shamanist doesn't fight the suffering they're experiencing. They accept the situation and surround themselves with the energies needed to grow and learn, on a physical (friends and family) and spiritual basis (totems and guides).

They use intuition to see the bigger picture.

  • Why are they experiencing this suffering/trauma?

  • What is the inner cause?

  • What limitations are they placing upon themselves?

  • What energy are they projecting to attract the suffering?

  • What are the possible lessons to be learned?

The key thing that the shamanist does, and this is the most difficult, is to acknowledge the change. Most of us hate change. We shy away from it, it threatens our security, our comfort.

Shamanic intuition understands that everything is cyclical. We will experience challenges in our lives no matter how enlightened we think we are. And they will return, again and again.

If you failed to learn and grow the first time, it's a chance to learn the lesson again. Don’t fight it, it won't go away. The more you fight it, the more persistent it will become.

If you learned and grew the first time, then you'll be prepared for the next challenge, and hopefully, reach a new level when it comes.


The shamanist knows that life is about change. Change is often traumatic, but it needs to be to shock us out of our hidey-hole. Change brings suffering, upheaval, and immense pain.

But ultimately, change is about growing consciousness, growing love, and understanding, so that kindness and caring can be given back.

As infinitely hard as it may be, it’s pointless to hate the perpetrator (be it person or circumstances) of your suffering. To do this is to acknowledge that you're a prisoner of their fear.

The Perpetrator of Change

The reason why a person hurts you is that they're fearful. This is the root cause of their actions.

They're suffering and don’t know how to deal with it, so they externalize their suffering in the form of anger, desperation, and hatred, looking for a victim on whom they can inflict the pain they're feeling.

Shamanic intuition tells you that the perpetrator is merely the unconscious tool used by the universe to grow consciousness in you.

An analogy: you won’t hate a hammer for falling on your big toe (if you do you need serious help). If you're conscious enough, you'll realize it was you who placed it in the precarious spot that caused it to fall when you bumped the ladder.

The pain will cause you to be careful next time because the consequences can be unpleasant, even dire. Imagine your toddler was standing there and the hammer landed on her head...

So you learn and grow and the suffering brings about understanding, empathy, compassion, kindness, and caring; if you make the right choice...


This is why forgiveness is the best medicine for healing. It's also the most expensive. It costs you a lot of energy and can bring about secondary trauma if you let it.

The shamanist understands that forgiveness is not about going to the perpetrator and saying ‘I forgive you.’

This is useful if you can do it, provided it comes from a place of understanding and acceptance. If it's done unwillingly, with bitterness and self-righteousness, then it only deepens the wound.

Forgiveness is about focusing on the outcome of the trauma and suffering, accepting that the perpetrator is merely an unconscious tool stuck in the cesspool of their own fear.

It's not easy. You know this. Some sufferings run very deep.

And the outcome of the suffering is nothing but what you decide it to be. That's the empowering part. Nobody can tell you how to respond to the suffering. It's your choice alone.

To focus on a positive outcome, one of growth and understanding, you have to forgive yourself.

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself for being at a certain level of consciousness and projecting the specific energy that attracted the incident which brought about the suffering. Acknowledge that it was the space you were living in and understand that this is what caused the suffering.

Guilt is a destructive thing. It's a product of fear and breeds more fear. It's the wrong choice. It may be your choice for a while, but sooner or later you have to take responsibility and forgive yourself.

Shamanic intuition knows these things. The power to heal in the present and change your future lies with you, nobody else.

It also knows that if you can change the past, it can bring about healing in the present. We’ll explore this concept in the next article.

If you are struggling with guilt and forgiveness, a good read is a book by Lysa TerKeurst, "Forgiving What You Can’t Forget: Discover How To Move On, Make Peace, With Painful Memories, and Create a Life That’s Beautiful Again."

It’s a deeply intuitive and practical book.

I hope you enjoyed this article. I look forward to seeing you next time.

This post was originally published on February 23rd, 2021, and updated on May 4th, 2022.

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