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Reflective Journaling


What is reflective journaling and how can it empower you...


Writing in a reflective journal gives you the space, privacy, and freedom to describe experiences that may have had a positive or negative impact on you and your life. Reflective journaling differs from regular journaling in that it is a process that requires you to take time to think on a deeper level about your own thoughts process in order to acquire a different perspective of these thoughts that you may not be aware of or are overlooking.


By reflecting on what is currently happening in your life you will be able to understand where you are right now and find ways to make the changes to move forward, in a confident way,  with increased self-awareness.


Not only does writing down help you to understand yourself and the world you exist in but it also helps you to discover creative solutions to problems you may be facing.


Reflective journaling requires you to be as descriptive as possible about an experience. In order for it to become an effective tool, you will need to describe your experiences in as much detail as possible e.g. what was the reason for the experience, who was there, what your thoughts are about it and what feelings did you have.


Write down everything about the experience even if it seems irrelevant at the time – this information may become useful in the future and bring more clarity and understanding to the experience.


Just by writing down in your reflective journal, you will be using this tool to help you make sense out of an experience. The act of writing down details of what happened will give you a perspective that you may not have otherwise considered. It will help you to become more aware of your true values system.


Writing about the experience will help you to decide whether that experience aligned with your true values and if not, will then help you to consider how you would take action in the future should a similar situation arise.


Reflective journaling is very effective when you find yourself overthinking or worrying. The simple act of writing your thoughts down will often lessen the pressure of the worries and in many cases, solutions will present themselves to you.


Using the effective "Journey Inwards" Journal Tips.


The “Journey Inwards” Journal weekly tips are a very powerful way of using your reflective journal and can guide you in how to use this tool more effectively.


For thirteen weeks, a journal tip will be sent to you every Monday. You will then focus your reflective journaling on that tip for the week.


Contact me to find out more about this empowering tool.


"Self-reflection is a humbling process. It's essential to find out why you think, say and do certain things... then better yourself.” ~ Sonya Teclai

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