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Using Tarot to Guide You
on Your Inner Journey





Tarot has been used for centuries for divination, healing, and spiritual guidance.


I use tarot as an empowering tool to help my client explore their inner self and life path.


I don't predict the future. Instead, my spiritual readings give my client an indication of what emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of their life they need to become more aware of and how to make the change they want to see in their own life.


Book for an online tarot reading and begin your inner journey today. The readings are for one hour.




The Journey Tree Smudging Ritual 


Smudging is an ancient practice that involves burning herbs such as sage or imphepho to remove negative energies from your home, office, or any other building.


Smudging can be used to get rid of negative energy within yourself and to cleanse your chakras. The Journey Tree Smudging Ritual is done in-person and includes:


  • A chakra tarot card reading

  • The smudging ritual

  • A 5-minute meditation


(Please note that smudging rituals take place at The Journey Tree venue in Johannesburg, South Africa. R600/1 hour)

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