Do you feel you need more control in your life? Are you in the process of making life-changing decisions but scared about what lies ahead? These are just some reasons you need to work on your life blueprint!
What is a life blueprint and how will it support you as you navigate another new year? Let’s talk about planning your life and empower you to take the right action for YOU.
What is a Life Blueprint?
On October 26, 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke to a group of students at Barrett Junior High School, in Philadelphia. His topic and big question were, “What is your life blueprint?”. He spoke about the importance of building a “structure” to support them on their life journey.
He believed that a solid blueprint would serve and guide them through life and it should be built on the following principles:
A deep belief in your dignity: Do not let anyone tell you you’re a nobody and always believe you have worth. Always feel you have ultimate significance in the world.
Have determination to achieve excellence: Whatever you decide, set out to do it well.
We all have hopes and dreams for our lives but if you don’t have a life blueprint, you’ll struggle to stay focused.
"If you can't fly then run. If you can't run then walk. If you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Life Blueprint: Let’s Talk About Life Planning
A blueprint of your life gives you a plan to work with. It talks to your dreams and visions while ensuring you create the right stepping stones towards them. Life planning empowers you to achieve your goals.
Your life blueprint, or life plan, gives you the starting point that allows you to take constructive action. It becomes your road map, steering you in the right direction while keeping you firmly on your path.

7 Reasons You Need a Life Blueprint
1. Puts You in the Driver’s Seat
When you’re in the driver’s seat of your life, you’re in full control of your choices. A life plan ensures you make the right decisions aligned with your authentic path. Taking responsibility for your choices means you take appropriate action that brings you closer to your dreams and hopes.
2. Helps You to Prioritise What is Important
It’s easy to get caught up in the choices available to you! A life blueprint helps you prioritise what’s important now. This empowers you to pay attention to what matters and which would create the most impact. Remember – energy flows where attention goes and prioritising allows you to focus and stay on track with your goals.
3. Keeps You Motivated
Motivation is key to achieving goals and a life plan that speaks to your authenticity inspires you to reach for the stars. Your life plan reminds you why you’re taking responsibility for your goals and tells you what the consequences will be if you don’t stay motivated!

4. Aligns With Your Purpose and Values
A well-designed life blueprint includes your personal vision statement and values. Knowing your purpose allows you to create stepping stones towards it. Fulfilling your true purpose makes your life meaningful. Your life plan also aligns with your core values which is essential for an authentic and fulfilling path.
5. Gives You an Accountability Plan
The ultimate key to freedom is responsibility. Your life plan holds you accountable for every action you do or don’t take. It includes an accountability plan that guides you throughout the different stages of your path. It consists of action steps and milestones that empower you to reach your goals which ultimately speak to your personal life vision.
6. Supports You During Major Life-Changing Events
No matter how much you try to keep life according to your plans, significant life-changing events could derail you when you least expect it. A solid blueprint ensures you can meet these challenges head-on without losing focus on your dreams.
Falling off your life path is normal and important otherwise you wouldn’t continue to grow. However, getting back onto it is vital for success!
7. Tackles the Fear of Change
Change is equally vital for transformation yet, it can be overwhelming and prevent you from moving forward! A life blueprint gives you the courage to tackle the fear of change, especially when you know it’s essential for your personal vision.
How to Create a Life Blueprint
The following steps will help you build your life plan:
Identify your core values: List words or feelings that resonate with what you hold close and dear in your life.
Write a personal vision statement: This is a declaration of your authentic self and what legacy you want to leave to the world.
Assess what isn’t working for you: Look at the different areas in your life (emotional well-being, physical health, romantic partner, vocation, financial security, personal development, family and social relationships, and spiritual well-being) and identify what’s out of alignment.
Prioritise life areas that need improvement: Set a goal that focuses on life areas that need work.
Draw up an accountability plan: Identify milestones and action steps that will support you in achieving your goals.
Hiring a qualified and skilled life coach is another great step for creating a solid blueprint. A life coach keeps you on track as you work towards your dreams, hopes, and visions.
Final Thoughts
A life blueprint gives you the space to manage opportunities, crises, and changes without deviating too far from your path. Building self-awareness and knowing the “why” help to construct a life plan aligned with your authentic SELF.
Your life blueprint empowers you to turn your dreams and hopes into reality. It gives you the confidence to face most challenges along the way. Your life plan is your compass, giving you direction and focus no matter where and what you’re doing.
Need help to build your life blueprint? Reach out and contact me today and let’s get you started now.