One of the jobs of a shaman is to tell stories. These stories can be fictional or true but their purpose is to help the reader or listener heal. I’m always telling my clients to share their stories with me so I can learn more about them and take lessons from what they have to tell. That’s the power of storytelling.
I love reading real-life stories about people and their own experiences. There’s so much to learn from others. And, their stories always heal me on some level be it mind, body, or soul. There’s something reassuring about knowing I’m not alone in taking this journey through life and realizing that others share similar experiences helps me to navigate my own life path.
In this blog, I’m sharing four phenomenal real-life stories that have come to me at different stages of my life. They each tell a story that resonated deeply with me and empowered my own spiritual growth so that I may too find ways to transcend a life experience that often frightened and challenged me.
May these real-life stories find their way into your hands and empower you to find a sense of purpose and hope while expanding your spiritual wellbeing.
I actually bought this book to help me decide how to write my own real-life story! Instead, I realized this book was “sent” to me to help me heal many losses and love while finding ways to deal with LIFE. It talks about surviving the loss of special people and picking up the shattered pieces just so that you can move forward again.
The author writes with incredible candid honesty which ends up being a true healing gift for anyone who feels they’ve made such catastrophic mistakes in their own lives. But, she also brings a glimmer of hope for anyone who suffers immense grief because of the death of loved ones.
If you’re looking for a book that writes about some of the darkest life experiences a person can go through, then get this one. But be willing to find hope again and to see the light at the end of the tunnel once more so you can still go on living life despite your deepest tragedies.
I have a dear friend who loves reading soul-searching books as much as I do. She gifted me this book she found in a second-hand bookshop while I was recovering from a radical hysterectomy. The title fascinated me and it wasn’t long before I was completely captivated by the story of Elizabeth Fuller.
The author shares her own magical story about opening her heart in the midst of the Australian Outback only to find her soul. While struggling to deal with the potential loss of a special friend to AIDS, old grief rises again. Elizabeth Fuller finds herself struggling emotionally and knows she has to undertake a self-discovery journey of sorts.
Her journey takes her into a land full of signposts that include a white cockatoo and nighttime visits from spirits. She meets up with an Aborigine who takes her and her twelve-year-old son back to his hometown village and there she finds a gateway opening. When she walks right on through she finds the deep connection between earth and the stars and some of life’s greatest gifts.
A real-life story that involves going deep into the spiritual world of the Aborigine culture so that one may transform and once more, find a deep connection with all that is.
My energy healer who lives in another town but still gives me a treatment every Sunday evening recommended this book to me when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. When I first saw the title, I wasn’t convinced she thought I was going to survive my latest health scare! Little did I expect how much hope and light this book would give me.
Near-death experiences fascinate me. I remember having a possible NDE when I was twelve years old and had burst my bowel while playing a game with a friend. At the time, I assumed it was a dream. I love these words the author wrote at the beginning of her book:
“I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind, and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.”- Anita Moorjani
The author writes this story to touch her reader’s hearts so that they may recognize their own magnificence. Her story is deeply soul-searching as she experiences her own near-death experience and chooses to come back to Life. Her words challenge you to explore your own belief system and to use unconditional love to transcend any fear and self-rejection.
A wonderful book that talks about divine intervention, healing, and how to replace fear with hope. And, most of all, it writes about the power of unconditional love.
I don’t remember why I chose to read this book but I first met Michael A. Singer when I read his book, “The Untethered Soul.” That book’s cover inspired me to buy the book and I became enthralled in the spiritual journey of this man.
This book, “The Surrender Experiment” is a real-life story about what happens when you simply choose to let go. Michael Singer shares stories from his own life about what did happen when he chose to let go and frankly, there are quite amazing! Based on a deeply spiritual awakening journey, the author one day decided to let life “call the shots.”
While he did his part of the deal, the mere act of not resisting life meant he could embrace whatever the universe decided to send him. This meant accepting the bad with the good knowing that he would always come out just fine – which he did.
If you want to try out his experiment be ready for a rollercoaster ride. Be prepared to live with a completely radical approach to life while breaking down some of your deepest assumptions about life. You’ll be asked to get out of your own way!
Final Thoughts
Life is a journey so you may as well have fun while you’re at it! But, when it gets challenging and you are faced with a life-threatening disease, the death of a loved one, or simply lose hope and faith you need some help to face your life path.
Reading real-life stories can empower you to heal while finding solace and peace in your own spirituality. I hope these books allow your light to shine again as you face your own challenges on this journey called LIFE.
This post was originally published on July 16th, 2021, and updated on June 17th, 2022.
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